Daniel Zecharia

Dipl. Psych. Daniel Zecharia

Ackerstrasse 1
10115 Berlin Berlin

Ausbildung, Heilerlaubnis, Abrechnung

  • Diplom-Psychologie, Heilpraktiker/in beschränkt auf Psychotherapie
  • Erlaubnis zur Psychotherapie nach Heilpraktikergesetz
  • Private Krankenversicherung, Selbstzahler


  • allg. psych. Problem - Lebensberatung
  • Angst - Phobie
  • Coaching
  • Depression
  • Essstörung
  • Stress - Burnout - Mobbing
  • Sucht
  • Trauer
  • Trauma - Gewalt - Missbrauch


  • Gesprächstherapie
  • Humanistische Verfahren
  • Integrative Therapie
  • Online-Beratung


  • Einzeltherapie

Weitere Sprachen

  • Englisch
  • Hebräisch

Freie Plätze / Wartezeiten

  • Freie Plätze vorhanden.
  • In dringenden Fällen auch kurzfristig Termine möglich.


  • Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen
Persönliches Profil


In the therapy room, I offer a culturally-sensitive therapy that takes into consideration your background, ethnicity, and belief system. I often work with people who have lived in different countries, trying to help them find a sense of home and belonging in an increasingly transient modern world.
I am open, curious, and self-revelatory. I suggest therapeutic pluralism in which effective interventions are drawn from several different therapy approaches; that gives me permission to be myself, which means to be imperfect, to go beyond technique. "To create a new therapy for each client" as Yalom phrased it. Ultimately I believe that success in therapy depends upon creating something special between two people, where there is trust and understanding.


I was born in Israel and moved to Berlin 6 years ago. Moving here, gave me the freedom to be the author of my own life. It gives me tremendous satisfaction to be of help to people, and I appreciate the personal interactions I have with my clients. I have profound interest and experience in dealing with crises and trauma, and part of my qualifications include being a first-responder.


You are welcome to contact me via phone or Email.

Seitenaufrufe seit 06.05.2021
Letzte Änderung am 30.10.2023